W1- Discovery
Discovery #4: Release and Recharge
AJ | ĆJ |
Discovery #4: Release and Recharge
Use this exercise after you are completely comfortable with tapes 1 through 3. This is an energy conversion exercise designed to clean, balance, and revitalize your entire system gently. Use it daily in Focus 10, with or without the tape. In C-1, we use a multitude of processes in order to deal with our emotions. In Focus 10, you can work from an entirely different dynamic – a dynamic that may seem unconventional to some who are well-versed in various theories of psychological systems. That dynamic is one of energy, conversion, which operates on a paradoxical principle long used in many philosophies: you „raise yourself with the help of that which causes you to fail.” Energy conversion is a process that allows you to release self-imposed limits resulting from the encrustation of fear and associated emotion. Independent research has shown that when we are born, we have only two innate fears – fear of falling and fear of loud noises. If all other fears are learned, they can be unlearned. Fear is like pain: useful as a warning signal, but once acknowledged, it is no longer needed. In the high energy state of Focus 10, you can calmly identify and gently release fears, blocks, limits – anything that interferes with your growth or progress. You can then reclaim the clean energy that existed before such limits were in place. Reclaiming the pure, natural energy which is an integral part of you can make you whole. You have been putting all your worries, anxieties, and concerns in your Energy Conversion Box. In this exercise you will be asked to go back to your Energy Conversion Box, open the lid, and perceive the first radiation of fear you encounter. You then pull the fear out of the box and move it away from you – allowing it to flow upward and away like a bubble floating upward in water. With the fear gone, you will be asked to perceive the emotion the fear covered and release it by bubbling it away. Free of the fear and emotion, you will perceive the clean energy that was hidden or covered by the fear and emotion, and be asked to pull that clean energy back into your being. This process will be repeated twice. Here are some important points to consider: 1) You do not have to worry about, or plan for, what fears or emotions will come up for you when you open your Energy Conversion Box. Simply open the box and see what comes up for you. Trust that a larger part of yourself knows what you are ready to uncover. 2) If you open the box and find nothing, bubble „nothing” away. The process can be working very effectively on deeper levels. In this (or any other) case, always pull clean energy into you as a final step. 3) Please do not get into a semantic argument with yourself about whether or not fear is an emotion. That's a trap that can interfere with successful utilization of this valuable and important exercise. For the purpose of this exercise, consider the word „fear” to denote the primary emotional charge related to a particular self-imposed block or limit and the word „emotion” to denote associated emotional charges related to that limit. 4) The verbal instructions for the final step suggest that you perceive, „the memory, the event that was hidden and covered by the fear and emotion.” You may find that a specific event in your life comes up, or you may discover a memory of what it was like before you developed the encrustation of fear and emotion that limit your potential. Here is an example of how the process of energy conversion can work: You may go to your box and the first fear you perceive is the fear of speaking up in groups. Once you bubble that fear away, you might encounter the emotion of embarrassment. Having released the emotion, you might perceive how you felt as a small child who was naturally willing to share the wonder of a new discovery with other people. You could then recapture, or reclaim, your ability to communicate with and share your wholeness with others. This process is not intended to be a quick-fix or one-shot panacea. Most of us have many layers of encrustation that hold us back. But if you deliberately choose to move beyond your limitations, you can. It's not always easy and may require numerous efforts. Yet using this process can certainly smooth out a normally difficult path. By releasing self-imposed limits and recharging with the clean, pure energy that is naturally yours, you may find a new freedom. With such freedom comes a new ability to explore and a sense of limitless possibilities. Preparatory Process You will move to Focus l0 on your own. To do so, first use your Energy Conversion Box with careful consideration. Then, when the chanting begins, do your Resonant Tuning. After the Resonant Tuning sounds, pop your REBAL, state your affirmation, and move to Focus 10. Energy Conversion Open your box and perceive the first radiation of fear you encounter. Pull the fear out of the box and move it away from you like a bubble floating upward in water. With the fear gone, perceive the emotion that the fear covered, bubbling it away, releasing what you will not need again. Now, free of fear and emotion, perceive the clean energy of the memory, the event hidden and covered by the fear and emotion. Pull that clean energy back into your being. Repeat this process twice again, close your box, and relax in Focus 10 before you return to C-1. |
Discovery #4: Release and Recharge
Používej toto cvičení až když budeš mít zvládnuté nahrávky 1-3. Toto cvičení je navrženo na pročistění,vyrovnání a znovunabití celého systému . Používej ho denně v ohnisku 10 ,mužeš si vybrat jestly z nahrávkou nebo bez ní. Přeměna energie zahrnuje proces rozpouštení hranic keteré sis vytvořil ztvrdnutím strachů a pridružených emocí (*dualita,hodnocení ) . Nezávyslý výzkum ukázal že když se narodíme máme jen 2 počáteční strachy – strach z pádu a strach z hlasitých zvuků .Pokud sou tedy všechny další strachy naučené ,tak se dají i odnaučit .Strach je jako bolest je užitečný jako varovný signál ale pak už není dále potřebný .Ve stavu zvýšene energie ohniska 10, mužeš jednoduše indentifikovat a rozpustit tyto bloky a omezení – vše co by mohlo brzdit tvůj proces rustu a pokroku . Poté budeš moct znovu obnovit stav čisté energie který existoval před vtvořením těchto hranic . Dejte všechny své starosti, úzkosti a obavy to truhly .V tomto cvičeni budete požádáni abyste se vrátily k truhle ,otevřeli ji,a vnímaly první vyzařováni strachu co z ní vyjde .Poté vytáhněte strach z truhly a osdunte ho pryč od sebe – umožněte mu proudit vzhůru a pryč jako bublině ve vodě ketrá směřuje k povrchu . Až bude strach pryč vnímejte emoci keterou zakrýval a odbublinkuj ji pryč. .Poté vnímej vzpomínku prostou strachu a emocí , vnímej čistou energiji /vzpominku ketrou předím zakrýval strach a emoce ,a až budeš na nahrávce požádán tak ji absorbuj do své bytosti . . Tento proces se bude 2x opakovat . Nemusíš si dělat strarosti nebo plánovat jaký strach z truhly vyjde až ji otevřeš. Jednoduše otevři truhlu a podívej se na to co přijde .Veř že podvědomí ví co jsi již připraven odkrýt a zvládnout Jestly otevřeš truhlu a nic tam nebude , vem to nic dej ho do bubliny a pošly pryč.Proces pracuje velmi efektivně na hlubších urovních. Tento proces není mýněn jako rychlá nebo jennorázová akce. Vetšina znás má mnoho vrstev hranic ketré zatvrdly a drží nás zpátky , jejich rozpuštení není vždy snadné a muže to vyžadovat mnoho pokusů .Ale nakonc se to povede a tyhle metody ti tu práci hodne zjednoduší .Až se zbavíš hranic zjiskáš svobodu ,svobodu prozkoumat a zažít nekonečné možnosti které vesmír nabízí :) Postup:
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